Jacob Goldman: “Roman Trail Riders”

Goal: To build a relationship with younger classmates through weekly devotions and a mountain biking trip

The Process: Each week for four weeks we had lunch devotionals on Thursdays using the Roman Road progressive devotional

Weekly Devotions:

Mountain Biking Devotional:

Our trail:



  • Met with a pastor about the devotional
  • Planned the bike route
  • Planned devotional days
  • Found and reserved bike rentals

What Worked

  • All of our devotionals
  • Bike rentals
  • Mapping and planning the trail
  • Getting guys to sign up

What Didn’t Work

  • The original plan was to use ATV’s (legal complications)
  • Getting all the guys to show up for devotions
  • It was supposed to be a different trail
  • Guys got sick, or were busy the day of the ride

Over all it was a success. I built a relationship with the guys and we were able to learn a lot from each other and from the devotionals

Marissa Thorley and Ashton Kidd: “The Power of Encouragement”




the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope.

Goal: To spread love and encouragement through the halls of Valley

For our senior project, we made and distrubuted notes of encouragement for the students of Valley

Thanksgiving Note: 

Freshman Note: 

Freshman Boys: 


Ricardo Nunez: Arizona 5/5/5 Duathlon

Inspired by James Lawrence aka “The Iron Cowboy” who did a 50/50/50. 50 Ironmans in 50 consecutive days, in 50 different states, which consisted of  a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and a 26.2 mile run.  He did this to raise awareness for childhood obesity and ended up raising over $70,000.

I decided to do something a little less drastic, but I chose to do 5 duathlons in 5 days, in 5 different cities.

Day 1: Phoenix 

10K- 53:06

30 mile bike- 2:52:32

5K- 27:03

Total time- 4:12:41

Day 2: Scottsdale (Nic Smith participated with me)

10K- 52:23

30 mile bike-2:30:01


Total Time- 3:48:33

Day 3: Tempe 


30 mile bike-2:27:11


Total Time- 3:48:22

Day 4: Chandler (My fastest time): 


30 mile bike-2:04:21


Total Time- 3:20:42

Day 5: Gilbert


30 mile bike-2:15:31


Total Time- 3:39:08


Kayla Lara, Jennie Pursley, and Lexi Kirkpatrick:”31 Girls”

“Do small things with great love”-Mother Theresa

“Strength and Dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue” Proverbs 31:25-26

Goal: To reach out to every single girl at valley, to show how much we care and to leave a lasting legacy. To connect girls with each other and also spend the year learning what it truly means to be a Proverbs 31 woman

December was Freshman month




January was Sophomore month






February was Junior Month 



March was Senior Month



  • Our schedule
  • Encouraging feedback
  • Simple but spoke volume
  • Easy act of kindness
  • Our project was unique


  • Wish we could’ve connected with the girls on a more personal level
  • 7 o’clock call time
  • Forgetting to do our tasks
  • Candy was stolen off the lockers
  • We missed new students’ lockers


  • As believers we are called to lift up and encourage one another
  • We set out to bless every single girl at Valley, yet we ourselves were blessed
  • Our prayer is to see next year’s seniors rise up as leaders and continue our vision of 31 Girls ministry


Brendan Sterling, David Gasson, and Mason Goodell: “Fundraising for Valley Weight Room”

In September of 2015 we were deciding what to do for a senior project. Our options were:

  • Raise money and donate it to a local charity
  • Buy the school some new text books
  • Upgrading the schools old weight room

When we met our first time to figure out what we wanted to do, we decided that if our project was to be successful we needed to include God into our project. After prayer as a group we came to a decision that we wanted to leave a lasting impact on our school

We chose our project because we wanted to leave a lasting impact on those who use the weight room

Football is one passion that we all share even though all of us do not play it, we wanted to make the room use as nice as possible because if you have good equipment the less likely you are to get injured


To raise money we wanted to have a fun and interactive event that all students at Valley could participate in

We had three options that we were trying to decide on

  1. Flag Football tournament
  2. Ultimate Frisbee
  3. Dodgeball tournament

We chose the dodge ball tournament because it offered the greatest profit opportunity for the lowest cost

The Process:

  • We got our project approved by the office and by Tonk
  • We made fliers and chose a date for our project March 4, 2016

The dodgeball tournament was a success we had over 30 people show up and we raised a decent amount of money. We had a good time hosting the tournament and did several games after the tournament was over

After the tournament was over we sat down and talked about what went well and what went wrong


  • We did a bad job advertising
  • We only passed out fliers and announced it in chapel we could have done a better job
  • We chose a bad date
  • Originally we had the date set in February but their was an teacher event so we weren’t allowed to host the tournament


  • Good event
  • Well organized
  • Everyone had fun

After we had our tournament, we started a go fund me online to get some extra money. We also asked around to close friends and family members to get more money. We ended up making $400 and adding that to the $500 Troy had we now have $900 to put towards the weight room

We wanted to contribute to the weight room because throughout our time at Valley each of us have participated in sports. We want to improve the weight room for current and future students at VC. We were going to put the money towards new benches, however Troy told us that he already had plans to do that with the weight room budget over summer. After meeting with Troy and talking we decided to buy a cross fit row machine for the weight room

Our mission was to improve the weight room experience at VC. We believe that with the cross fit row machine and by fixing the tears on the benches we will achieve that current and future students will have a better experience in the weight room.

Kaitlyn Bellerson and Kinsley England: “Creating a Common Ground”

˜Goal: To make Manna Bags and distribute them to the homeless around Arizona

Definition of manna:

  • Food which according to the Bible was supplied by a miracle to the Israelites after they escaped from Egypt; something needed that is received unexpectedly

Fundraising: We did bake sales every Wednesday and Thursday for three weeks.


˜Our goal was to make 100 bags. We were able to get 125 Bibles donated for our project by a Gideon. ˜We also received 75 tooth brushes and tooth pastes from Chandler Dental Health for free.



Distribution: ˜We placed a box full of bags around the school. We handed bags out on our own too!


Reflection: ˜We realized how fortunate and blessed we are. First meeting people’s basic needs provides a way to provide for their spiritual needs, as well. ˜It was a really eye-opening experience to see the joy on people’s faces whenever we handed them a bag.

Quincy Anglin, Carrie Stone, and Taylor Olivas: “Living for Christ”

Goal: Our goal for Living for Christ was to encourage the girls to actively engage in their bibles

Inspired by a camp at Point Loma where we found ourselves sitting with a small group of girls, we discovered the benefits of being in small groups of girls.

The Process: Got approval from Mr. Tonkinson. Talked to Troy Thelen. Planning and discussing what girl’s at Valley lacked and how we could improve these thing.

Getting the Word Out:

  • Went around and advertised
  • Posted cards on all girls lockers
  • Announcements
  • Poster
  • Twitter


We had our first meeting on September 1, 2015. We had thirty-five girls show up for our first bible study. We started with breakfast and then introduced our bible study and its goals for the year. We introduced the First Five app and opened it up to the girls to share what they wanted from this group. This was encouraging to hear how girls wanted to grow in their faith and knowledge of God by developing a consistent pattern of spending time in God’s word, build community, and implement prayer into their lives.After our first meeting, we got together and decided it would be beneficial to break the girls into prayer groups.  These groups would be smaller groups that were each lead by one of us.


We had our second meeting on September 8, 2015. This meeting was smaller than the first, but we still had twenty girls show up. At this meeting we dived into the weeks devotions by going through them and discussing the my moments questions. We read through them and then discussed the question of the day. At this meeting we were really made aware to the fact that girls are more fearful to open up and speak in a group setting. Seeing this we broke up into our prayer groups and talked about the devotions and any prayer requests girls had. This was a much more open and honest time. Girls were much more open in a smaller group setting. We look forward to the coming meetings and seeing how God works and moves in their lives.


Our third meeting for Living for Christ took place on September 14, 2015. The main problem we worried about when starting this project is that people would slowly fade out because of the early mornings. This week I think that fear was brought to the forefront. We only had about eight girls up. At the beginning of the meetings are hearts were crushed! God had others plans for that day though. Our spirits were quickly turned around by the depth of conversation that day. The girls that showed up opened up in ways that we had not experienced in the first two meetings. This was extremely encouraging. In starting this group, we desired that deep, honest, godly conversation would begin. This week our conversation really dug into what it looks like to be Christians who are actively living out their faith.


Our next meeting took place on September 21, 2015. God really showed up at this meeting too! We had more girls show up this week, around twenty or so. We were really encouraged by the openness of the girls in the groups. This meeting showed us that there is a lot going on at this school that I was not aware of. There is so much pain and suffering going on. Family problems, friend problems, sickness, and this is just the beginning. The body of Christ is called to be there for eachother. We are to encourage eachother and lift eachother up in the hard times. At valley, we are good at caring for those we are close to. We are called though to care and love all believers in Christ. The most meaningful time of this meeting was that we were able to take these trials and bring them back to scripture. Prayer and God’s word can provide an abundance of encouragement.

By November, Living for Christ had now been meeting for three months!! We were able to go through the entire book of Genesis with our group. That is a huge accomplishment to make it through an entire book of the bible! Our goal for Living for Christ was to encourage the girls to actively engage in their bibles and we are starting to see this.  Girls that show up not only are digging into their bible at least once a day, but are reflecting on what it has to say.

The end of Genesis talked about Joseph’s suffering and brought up quite a bit how we as believers deal with suffering. In Living for Christ we had many deep discussions about suffering that is occurring in our lives, but also how to deal and look different in our suffering.  This was an incredible time because it creates vulnerability but also encouragement and prayer in hard times.  Genesis was definitely a challenging book, but brought great conversation and some foundational truths about God.

Next, we went through the book of Matthew. Since Matthew was geared towards a Jewish audience, our group was able to use some of the knowledge we gathered from Genesis to further engage and understand the book of Matthew.

One of the biggest challenges we have faced with our group Living for Christ is getting enough people to consistently come so After December we had to re-strategize. We met with Tonk and decided to switch to Thursday at lunch. We then re-advertised our group by passing out candy at lunch and inviting everyone to join us.

Our new study was “Becoming a Titus 2 Woman” by Martha Peace. It was a 6 week study of the attributes based out of Titus 2. These attributes included being:

  • Pure and Sensible
  • Good worker of home and kind
  • Submissive
  • Loving
  • Practical Application of how to do this


  • Met for 7 months with one month of prep
  • Used First Five app, which allowed 5 minutes in God’s word
  • Intention conversation

What Worked:

  • Advertising with candy
  • Face to face interaction
  • Titus 2 woman
  • Praying for one another

What did not work: 

  • 7 A.M. Meetings!!
  • First Five App

What we learned: 

  • Faithfulness, diligence
  • Difficulty of holding Bible study
  • Importance of the Bible
  • God is glorified behind our desire and diligence

How we made an impact: 

  • Study allowed us to interact with different people
  • Put us outside our comfort zones


Anna Hasper and Taylor Haagsma: “Build.Teach.Transform”


Goal: Build relationships, Teach God’s Word, Transform hearts

We found that there were families living in the Miles Motel that was next to our new church so with large support from congregation we decided to start a kids club. We had our first Kids Club on November 22nd, 2015. We had a small turnout of seven kids on the first week which allowed us to build closer relationships. These varying number of kids has led to personal connections. After our first meeting, me met two to three times a month with the kids and once a month for planning with our youth group.

We decided to call our project: Build, Teach, Transform

The components were


  • We started with games
    • Football was a favorite
    • Drawing with chalk
    • Foursquare
    • Icebreaker games
    • Water relays
    • Bean Bag Toss
  • Next we made crafts
    • Turkeys
    • Christmas Trees
    • Crosses
    • Creation drawing
    • Dirt ‘n’ Worms
    • Cars
    • Decorated Christmas cookies


  • We read them Bible stories of:
    • Parable of the Sower
    • Jesus’ Birth
    • The Good Samaritan
    • Creation
    • The Fall
    • Jesus Death, Resurrection, and the Implications


  • The plan from the start was to gift each child with a Bible
  • We were blessed with donated NIV children’s Bibles from Palm Lane CRC
  • Each child received their very own copy of God’s Word

With the monetary support from our church we were able to give the kids:

  • Snacks each week
  • Christmas gifts
  • Bags of groceries




Mitchell Timmer: “Missions to Mormons”


Mormonism is one of the biggest religions in Arizona.

  • 15 Million members as of 2013
  • 80,000 missionaries in 162 countries
  • 5 million copies of the book of Mormon handed out in just 1 year
  • 4th largest church in the United States


I was both inspired and convicted after reading Matthew 28 that I was not answering the calling to all Christians to:

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

Goal: My goal was to change the life of one Mormon. If one Mormon looked at my flyer or heard the true gospel of Christ, then my goal is fulfilled

The Project: The first step was to spend the first 4 months studying Mormonism and Christianity. I wanted to be sure that I was both well educated in all of their beliefs and also able to quickly defend my own faith.

There are two specific times when you can impact the most Mormons: Christmas and Easter. The Mesa temple hosts large events for each.


I attended both of these events with my youth group and handed out fliers to everyone we could.


Joshua Benninger: “Helping the Elderly”

The Project:

  • The project was a way for me to organize rides to the store for those who can no longer drive
  • It was also way for people to sign up for food to be delivered to them


  • My dad does a yard for an elderly couple who can no longer drive to the store. After my dad heard how much the couple paid to get to the store by taxi – he offered to help.
  • Also, my church was looking for ways to help an elderly community located near where our church meets.

The Result of the Project

  • There were not a lot of sign-ups
  • However, my church encourages projects like these to be formed and so this will be a part of the church and will help anyone who might need help getting things from the store in the future
  • It also helps the church to get the name out and connect to the community by service projects like these.