
“The Challenge the Process (CTP) Project was birthed out of a challenge that Mr. Tonkinson received while attending an EdTech conference in the summer of 2014.  The master instructor inspired him with her experience with Genius Hour whereby students are given 20% of class time each week to hone their skills in: research, critical thinking, reading, writing, and presenting through working on a project of their choice.

Because the Junior/Senior Bible classes moved to a iPad cart program in January 2015 this was the perfect time to launch the CTP Project. In August 2014, seniors were challenged to find a project that would fill in the blank, “The world is better because I did ______________.”  They worked independently or in groups of two or three.  The seniors spent the entire year in their project with mile-markers along the way all culminating in a year-end presentation.

There are several elements to each project including a theological piece (where each group sees God at work in them).  Everyone had to “pitch” their project ideas and the following YouTube clips are but a few of the projects they’ll be working on.”

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