Mitchell Timmer: “Missions to Mormons”


Mormonism is one of the biggest religions in Arizona.

  • 15 Million members as of 2013
  • 80,000 missionaries in 162 countries
  • 5 million copies of the book of Mormon handed out in just 1 year
  • 4th largest church in the United States


I was both inspired and convicted after reading Matthew 28 that I was not answering the calling to all Christians to:

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

Goal: My goal was to change the life of one Mormon. If one Mormon looked at my flyer or heard the true gospel of Christ, then my goal is fulfilled

The Project: The first step was to spend the first 4 months studying Mormonism and Christianity. I wanted to be sure that I was both well educated in all of their beliefs and also able to quickly defend my own faith.

There are two specific times when you can impact the most Mormons: Christmas and Easter. The Mesa temple hosts large events for each.


I attended both of these events with my youth group and handed out fliers to everyone we could.


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